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Journal : Jurnal Al-Qadau: Peradilan dan Hukum Keluarga Islam

Jurnal Al-Qadau Vol 1, No 1 (2014): al-qadau
Publisher : Jurnal Al-Qadau

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To uphold substantive law or procedural law required often called formal law. The procedural law is a provision for setting out how the law (substantive) that materialized or can be applied / implemented to meet the subject deeds. Without judicial procedure there is no substantive legal benefits. To enforce the provisions of criminal law required criminal procedural law, for civil law the existing civil procedural law. The procedural law should be controlled by legal practitioners, police, prosecutors, lawyers and judges. Supremacy of law should start from law enforcement itself. The most important it is to begin from the most high-officials of the supreme court ([MA]) should really implement it strictly legal material. will come to pass new laws that actually among subordinates is necessary to know the rules or Qaeda in proceedings in court, the main event of religious courts.
IZIN PERKAWINAN DAN PERCERAIAN BAGI PNS (Suatu Analisis Hukum Islam terhadap PP No.10/1983 - Jo PP 45/1990 Jamil, Jamal
Jurnal Al-Qadau Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Hukum perkawinan
Publisher : Jurnal Al-Qadau

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The situation and living of the household servants is one of the factors important role in efforts to help improve service tasks, then the life of civil servants must be supported by a harmonious family life, so that the execution of his duty not to be disturbed by family problems. Therefore issued PP. No10 of 1983-jo PP 45/1990 on Marriage License and Percerailan for civil servants. Government regulation is substantially more difficult for civil servants to be polygamous and will do divorce than the UUP. And forbids civil servants to live together outside marriage. With the release of PP. was, civil servants who will perform polygamous marriage and divorce must obtain permission from officials. The requirement of a permit from government officials was intended to prevent the occurrence of polygamy and divorce.